Reggie and the full effect – Relive magic… bring the magic home.
So you run away. I told you all these things and yet you couldn't stay.
Wouldn't even stop to give the time of day and everything I said won't make these things okay Cause all I have to say is
Girl you mean so much to me. I wish that I could make you see. The way your wanting me to be is just as easy as 1-2-3. Across the world so far away I knew the words to make you stay Of course it's what I didn't say Still I knew the words to make you stay.
You smile at me and wave to me, I know exactly where and what I want to be, and if I'd wait for this…
So run away… what were all the times we could have had that day? Everybody knows that we would be okay. What they say should never matter anyway? So all I have to say is
Girl you mean so much to me. I wish that I could make you see. The way your wanting me to be is just as easy as 1-2-3. Across the world so far away I knew the words to make you stay Of course it's what I didn't say Still I knew the words to make you stay.
You smile at me and wave to me I know exactly where and what I want to be, and if I wish for this…
terça-feira, abril 22, 2003
“Oi. Tudo bem?” Desembainho a espada, e em um só golpe, corto-lhe a garganta. Quanta precisão, quanta habilidade. No contorno do golpe, quase corto minhas duas pernas, largando assim, com medo, a arma no chão. Como posso ter a perícia de usar uma arma tão fatal, sem saber usá-la? Como posso cortar cabeças sem querer? Ando perdido em minhas palavras, e sinto que provoco sentimentos não desejados em quem as recebe. De certo ainda não sei usar esse poder, e assim me torno frágil, ao invés de poderoso. Como poderei me defender com algo que não sei usar direito? Alguém me empresta um manual, um livro? Mas cuidado ao falar comigo, pois as conseqüências são drásticas. E por mais que não deseje, acabo ferindo a quem mais gosto.
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